Thursday, May 15, 2014

Reflection Blog (15 May 2014)
This week, the class focused primarily on credit. We learned the benefit and cost of having a credit card and we learned what determines our credit. Some benefits for using a credit card is that it establish a credit for you, it can help you in some emergencies, you don't have to carry a lot of money with you, and etc. But some disadvantages are risk of paying fees and interest. It also lessens your future buying power, since you are basically borrowing someone else's money. Anyway, businesses and loaners check your credit report and score to see how reliable you are to pay back. The score range from three hundred to eight hundred and fifty. You want to get the higher score of course, which is eight hundred and fifty, and you want to avoid three hundred, which is really bad. It is best that you do not reach near the maximum amount of your credit card, since it will lower your credit score. It is also good for you to keep it for a long time (while making a few purchases, so that it won't go inactive), so that you can get a better credit score. Also there are three major credit bureaus. They are Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. The class also watched videos on these and we also search up some credit cards. We have our paycheck this week too and we been introduced to the online store, which the items there are expensive. I believe that we did not have any bills too, which is great! Also our class is finally ahead of second block, so hip-hip hooray!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Reflection Blog (9 May 2014)
In this week, we got our second paycheck, but we also got a bill after that. I got one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents. My bill though was twenty-one dollars and thirty-four cents, which brought my amount to one hundred and fifty-two dollars and twenty cents. It was for using the computer lab, since our classroom was being used for AP testing. I also created a savings account with everyone else and I put only twenty-five dollars into it, since I thought we were going to have pay for another bill. This left me with only one hundred and twenty-seven and twenty cents dollars in my checking account. Also we got a mail box thingy now, so we could send our mail/bill more realistically! The class got put into few separate families too. I was in with Mean Yanez, Fefe, Danielle, and Sayaka. Nick was later adopted into the family though. We had to answer some questions based on our expenses and our income. The class did activity where we get a random piece of paper with a scenario on it and you have to fill out this chart base on the information you got (first column only). We still haven't finish it and I do not know when we will continue with it.

Friday, May 2, 2014

2 May 2014
For this week, everyone created a bank account and learn to write a check. So far I got two bills, which were the WiFi bill and the electric bill, and now I am only left with about thirty-nine dollars. Man, I am so poor. Anyway, the class also watch a video about the Feds (we didn't have popcorn this time) and took notes on it too. Also we watch about printing money... they go hardcore. Having to draw every detail without a single mistake for every new dollar bill, making the "paper," water image, tiny codes, and etc. It seems impossible to counterfeit it! The class worked on creating an island too and deciding five things that they have (banana tree has to be one of them). The group that I was in decided that our currency would be gold coins and we have banana trees (cause we have to), mineral/ores, dragons, wood, and fresh water. Also we have a dictatorship where our great and kind leader is Michael! All shall praise him! Oh yea, we watched the paper clip video and now we are doing something similar. My class started with a green note card, while the other class stated with a paper clip, I think. 

P.S. - Apparently I won twenty dollars from getting second place in a beauty contest... that is not strange at all. Also Nick give me ten dollars cause he owe me money.