Friday, May 2, 2014

2 May 2014
For this week, everyone created a bank account and learn to write a check. So far I got two bills, which were the WiFi bill and the electric bill, and now I am only left with about thirty-nine dollars. Man, I am so poor. Anyway, the class also watch a video about the Feds (we didn't have popcorn this time) and took notes on it too. Also we watch about printing money... they go hardcore. Having to draw every detail without a single mistake for every new dollar bill, making the "paper," water image, tiny codes, and etc. It seems impossible to counterfeit it! The class worked on creating an island too and deciding five things that they have (banana tree has to be one of them). The group that I was in decided that our currency would be gold coins and we have banana trees (cause we have to), mineral/ores, dragons, wood, and fresh water. Also we have a dictatorship where our great and kind leader is Michael! All shall praise him! Oh yea, we watched the paper clip video and now we are doing something similar. My class started with a green note card, while the other class stated with a paper clip, I think. 

P.S. - Apparently I won twenty dollars from getting second place in a beauty contest... that is not strange at all. Also Nick give me ten dollars cause he owe me money. 


  1. I enjoy movie of make money.

  2. It's very helpful to learn banking and checking in this week.

  3. I really enjoyed the money movie, it is really interesting to see how money is made and how advanced and modern its anti-counterfeit measures are.
